mercredi 27 juin 2012


We spent almost four wonderful days in Rome, and we could have spent forever there, it was amazing. Everything seemed to just work out.  We found a great campsite on the edge of the city – a 1.50 euro train ride in.  Can’t say enough good things about the campsite – it had everything (pool, bar, shop, etc) but we also had loads of space and privacy and no neighbours for far around our tent.  Bliss!  We also managed to magically have absolutely no queues at any of the attractions, even though we often saw queues on our way out - it seemed like the city was just  waiting for us.

Rome itself was a delight for all of us.  Andy and Joe thought the Colosseum and the Forum were fantastic (they were).  Stewart enjoyed the Vatican Museum a lot, even though it was kind of crowded. My favourite thing touristy thing was climbing the dome of St Peters, it was a lot of steps, but well worth it because you got to see St Peters from the inside of the dome, as well as the fantastic view from the top.  But more than anything, Rome was such fun. Around every corner was something beautiful and interesting and it was somewhere I would love to stay forever.  

The only bad or off-putting thing about Rome were the Modesty Police (my term) in the Vatican.  People kept getting funneled past groups of young men in police uniforms who made sure your shoulders and knees were covered and pulled lots of people aside to tell them to cover up.  We had heard about this and were appropriately dressed, but it was still strange.  Conjured up two main feelings, the first be to wonder whether God really objects to people seeing each others knees, and the second a reminder of regimes all over the world that impose these kinds of dress codes.

Campsite pool

View from the Forum

Outside the Colesseum

The ubiquitous audio guide

The Pantheon.  This was amazing!
We sat eating ice creams in the Piazza Navona and saw this guy get harrassed by the police, and several people take photos and not pay so although we never usually do we had a photo with him.

Climbing to the top of St Peters

Inside the Vatican Museum.  We have seen a lot of statues in Italy!

At the top of the dome of St Peters

View from the top of St Peters

In the Vatican Museum

St Peters square

One day there was a public transport strike so we decided to drive to some towns around Rome.  This is in Castel Gandalfo.

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