dimanche 10 juin 2012


I'm getting a bit sad now that we only have one more week left in our house in Marseillan, before we head off on a seven week camping adventure! I thought I'd post some random photos of the town and environs.

First off, Marseillan Plage.  I've written a couple of times (here and here) about going to and fro from Marseillan Plage.  We go to the beach pretty much every week, it is about a 5km bike ride and the beach is long and sandy.  The two parts of town - Marseillan Ville and Marseillan Plage - are like night and day though.  Marseillan Plage being full-out trashy tourist place.  It is kind of fun, but Marseillan Ville is way way nicer, and a real town.

The main strip to the beach, Marseillan Plage
Marseillan Plage
Marseillan Plage

The rest of the photos are of Marseillan Ville (where we live), just a few I found that I haven't already put in other posts.

Le Chateau du Port, a hotel and restaurant

View across the Port

In the main square

Part of the main town square

The Tabac where they sell an excellent selection of 5c gummi candies (and Le Monde if you're not in the mood for gummis)

The Hotel de Ville, a very important place for us for the first few days in town, and full of really nice people

View from outside the Hotel de Ville

Our fruit and veg shop

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The Mediatheque (on the left), basically a library, and the church (right).  Our house is close to the church and we hear the bells ring every hour.  The boys aren't supposed to get up until the bells ring 7am

Mopeds parked round the back of the church

The theatre

Where we pick up fresh mussels for supper

Doesn't take more than 5 minutes walk from the centre to get right out of town

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