samedi 16 juin 2012

Adieu Marseillan (I love you!!!)

We leave Marseillan tomorrow. I am so so sad.  After spending the day cleaning the house, going to the park, beach, sitting watching the boats, and moving the contents of our fridge into our stomachs, it is suddenly our final evening in the house.  I don't want to leave.  We've had such a fabulous time here.  The town has been fantastic, but it is mainly the people and their attitude that has made it lovely to be here for the last five months. We were talking this evening abut how none of the four of us can think of anyone who hasn't been nice to us, and there are so many people here who have been amazing, I could easily stay here forever.  I'm too sad now to write anything coherent, so here is a photo of the sunset from our terrace instead.

It's not all sad though, because we are off on an exciting adventure tomorrow - four weeks of camping!  We haven't really planned anything except that in early July we're meeting up with some friends back in the South of France and other friends in Paris.  Before that we're hoping to see a fair bit of Italy, and depending on how things go maybe take a couple of days somewhere else as well.  I'm planning to try to keep this blog going while we travel, but it'll depend on internet availability (and time).

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