mardi 3 juillet 2012

Umbria and Bologna

After leaving beautiful Peschichi we drove north to Umbria and stayed at a campsite near Lake Trasimeno near Perugia.  From there we explored Perugia, Gubbio and the region around.  It was stunningly beautiful, but not among our favourite part of the trip for any of us - not for any negative reason as we had a lovely time, but just because it had a lot of brilliant things to compete with and was a low key couple of days.

Lake Trasimeno

Evening picnic by the lake
In Perugia

Exploring Gubbio


View in Gubbio
 Then we moved on to Bologna where we climbed a crazy leaning tower.  It was very scary inside, not beacuse it was leaning, but because it was basically an empty 100m tower with a wooden staircase nailed onto the side.  The stairs were creaky and rickety and seemed like they might just peel off the wall and crash down to the bottom any second.  I didn't say anything because I didn't want to scare the boys, but even the normally fearless Andy was pretty scared, and I think we were all relieved once we made it down safely.  It was worth it though, as the view from the top was beautiful. We tried and failed to find spaghetti bolognase in Bologna, but Stewart did have some tagiatelle bolognase.

Climbing the scary leaning tower in Bologna

View from the top of the tower

Another view of Bologna from the top of the tower


Good street name!

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