jeudi 12 juillet 2012

Paris - Versailles and Disneyland!!

Our longest day driving of our whole holiday was from St. Girons Plage to Paris.  It took all day, and then when we got to Paris, for the first time we struggled to find a campsite.  Every other place we've just turned up and found a campsite no trouble at all, but we drove around Paris for about an hour before finding anywhere.  I guess we should have been more prepared for the capital, but we kind of like just seeing what happens, and the site we eventually found was nice enough.
The next morning we headed to Versailles to meet Petra, Jeff, Andrew and Caroline, friends from Ottawa.  We had a fabulous day, and Joe especially enjoyed being reunited with his good friend Andrew, he was smiling all day long.
I cannot remember what this is, but it is on the ceiling and is very famous and very beautiful

Same as above (except wall not ceiling).... I'm useless!

Joe and his friend Andrew in Versailles' Hall of Mirrors

Lifting a cup.  I think they're hoping it'll be a hockey cup next year.


Then the next day we went to Disneyland Paris.  It was our big surprise treat for the boys for being so good in France and not complaining as we grown ups live out our dreams and ask them to come along for the ride.  We had two days there with one night in a hotel.  We all had an absolutely fantastic time, went on every single ride and saw all the big shows, some of which were brilliant.  The only bad thing were the queues between about noon and 6pm, when the lines on many of the rides were over an hour long.  But on the first night we stayed until 11pm and from about 9pm onward there were no lines at all on the rides so we did all the rides then, just running from one to the other, going upside down on too many rollercoasters, and then spent the day time watching shows.  We came to the conclusion that the ideal way to do Disney would be to do rides from 8-11am then watch some shows, then go back to the hotel for a siesta from 2-6pm, then back to rides for the evening.  But of course we didn't actually do that, and instead we stayed in rides and shows all day, but we still had a ton of fun.  I know Disneyland Paris gets a lot of bad press, but we all thoroughly enjoyed it, and it was really very cheap for what we got (only 80 Euros each for two full days in the parks (which includes all rides and shows), and including the hotel and breakfast, parking, etc, - it seemed like a good deal, anyway!).

One of the shows was a car stunt show with a special appearance by Lightning McQueen

Some lines were long..... (those times in minutes...)

The grown-ups enjoyed it every bit as much as the kids.  Here's smiling Stewart...
Still smiling....
And still smiling, even in the queue

Andy was very proud of driving a car round a track

The Buzz Lightyear laser blast was fantastic, you go round a kind of rollercoaster type thing, zapping the evil Zorg as you go around, and then you get a score at the end.  it was so much fun - we went on it several times.

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