mercredi 2 mai 2012

Les sports

Sports have taken a bit of a back seat here, compared to our (too) hectic schedule in Ottawa, but we've been keeping at least a little bit active.

Andy has joined the local Judo club. They train/practice/meet (not sure what word you use for Judo) twice a week and it seems like a great little group.  The instructor is kind of quiet, but all the kids seem to obey his every word.  Parents aren't allowed in while the class is going on, but I snapped these in the time before class.  They are doing that holding hands and run around in circles then let go and fall down thing that is so fun.

 Joe decided to try tennis while he's here and goes every Wednesday morning (no school on Wednesdays here) to the Marseillan tennis club.  The club is for 8 to 10 year olds and they do 90 minutes of tennis lessons followed by an hour of random sports, it is a different thing every week : basketball, soccer, running, table tennis, one week they even spent an hour doing long jump.  Joe is too embarassed of me to allow me to hang around taking photos of him, but he does enjoy it.  Joe's also trying to keep up with his running while we're here, but we've not found any good races for him yet.

Stewart and I have just been jogging.  Stewart is awe-inspiring as he goes out everyday rain or shine.  Me, I go a couple of times a week when I'm in the mood, and I have the spare tyre to prove it!! Feeling fat and contented.....

We've also all got bikes, which is fun.  But I think all of us are missing our Ottawa sports, especially the kids.  Joe pines for Hockey, so much so that he's already registered in summer Hockey camp for when we get back to Ottawa late August.  Andy is lookign forward to going back to gymnastics.

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