jeudi 3 mai 2012

L'élection présidentielle

Sitting here watching the French presidential election debate reminds me that I haven't written anything about it.  It is different living here in Marseillan, so far away from l'Assemblée nationale in Paris, to living in Ottawa where I see Parliament every day on the way to work, and everyone loves to talk politics.
But, the election is happening. Unless you read the newspapers you wouldn't really know it though, as there are no lawn signs or other advertising like in Canada, just posters on designated billboards.  As you can see below, the posters are pretty dreadful - I can't imagine that anyone would change their vote based on them.

In this area the issues seem to be jobs and immigration. Not enough, and too much, respectively (as far as I can gather).
I haven't talked to enough people about the election to get a sense for what people are thinking, but I did see how they voted in Marseillan: Sarkozy won the first round (1468), followed by Le Pen (1347), with Hollande third (1100).  Horrible that Le Pen did so well. 

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