dimanche 20 mai 2012


We chose to go to Cadaqués in Spain completely randomly - just waved our finger on the map - and we couldn't have been luckier, we liked it so much we ended up spending two nights there.
The approach to the town is stunning, over rollling hills, with a lot of crazy and dedicated cyclists riding over them.  The town itself is a beautiful coastal village.  We thought it had a bit of a greek feel with whitewashed houses and little churches. 

The town was full to cultural history.  One of the main attractions was Salvador Dali's house which has been turned into a museum with all his stuff still in it.  From the pictures it looked amazing, but it was fully sold out for the next umpteen days so we couldn't go.  It is on a beautiful little bay and you can clearly see the influence of the view on some of his pictures.  One day I would like to go round the house, but for now all we've seen is the outside (below).
There have also been lots of other artists in the town....
Around the town are wonderful walks and lots of beautiful cliffs and bays.  We took one nice walk through an olive grove and found ourselves on a nudist beach, alone except an old couple sunbathing behind a rock.  It was sunny but a bit chilly but the boys all stripped off and went for a swim.

 We also went for another stunning walk at Cap Creus.  It is apparently an area of geological interest and I can see why - the rocks were stunning.  Andy is always on the look out for evidence of cavemen so enjoyed exploring likely-looking caves.  In this photo he is in one that he decided was "definitely" previously inhabited by cavemen - it has an excellent view over the cliffs, a window in the back and a nice flat floor for sleeping.  He was a bit disappointed not to find any evidence like bones or cave paintings but nevertheless he declared it a major archaeological find.

We camped for two nights at Cadaques.  There was only one campsite, walking distance from town.  It was almost empty, which was nice, so we had a nice spot right in the corner.  Luckily we were far from the toilet block because it really smelled.  On our second night there was a huge storm with thunder and lightning all around us.  Was very impressive, and very loud, and we were all happy that the tent survived the onslaught. The campground wasn't great though - especially compared with where we stayed the next night.

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