dimanche 5 février 2012

Les Grottes de Clamouse

The Clamouse caves (http://www.clamouse.com/eng-index.shtml) are supposed to be an hours drive from our house.  We got a bit lost and it ended up taking two hours and some heated map-reading debates!  It was worth it though - the caves were massive and beautifully lit so that all the stalactites and stalagmites looked incredible (even if none of us could remember which goes up and which down, even after having watched the video and going on the hour long tour...).  The caves were formed as the water table dropped and the Herault river sunk into a gorge - there are still pools of water inside, and new caves continue to be formed below the ones we toured. 
Flash photography was forbidden in the caves, so the photos are a bit dark....

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