jeudi 9 février 2012

Il fait froid....

It has been really cold here the last week.  Not Canadian cold, but cold for here - below zero at night and only slightly above during the day. It has been front page news in the local paper all week and people in town are talking about little else.  It feels cold, too.  This house is built to lose heat with high ceilings and skylights, not to conserve it, so the little electric space heaters we have are barely taking the chill off the rooms.  Apparently Wednesday saw the highest ever recorded electricity usage (everyone with their electric space heaters full blast, no doubt), and although the newspaper said there had been no brown-outs, we were without electricity here for at least an hour. 
But despite all this, it is still beautiful and sunny, and the forecast says it will get a lot warmer this weekend, just as the boys start a two week school holiday (and we leave for a trip to Belgium, the Netherlands (to see Cameron), Germany (Berlin), and Sweden).

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