lundi 27 février 2012

Il fait chaud

After spending the best part of two weeks rushing around trying to pack in as much as possible it was great to get home to our quiet French town and back into the slow lane.  The best part of all is that we came back to heat.  Well, warm rather than hot, but 20 degrees and very sunny - shorts and T-shirt weather.  Great weather for hanging around the park or having a nice glass of red wine on the terrace at our house.
Saturday the boys and I walked the 5km to the Mediterranean.  It is a nice walk along a canal with no cars around.  Hopefully we'll be biking it soon as we bought very cheap secondhand bikes for all of us, trouble is Andy's chain just keeps falling off and we haven't gotten round to fixing it yet - so walking it is, for now.  The boys dunked themselves in the Mediterranean, I paddled.  We left as the sun was starting to set and walked home through the sunset, and into the clear starry night. Was really special, an afternoon I'll remember for a long time. Some photos below.

 The start of the walk - at the Port in Marseillan
Walking along the Canal

 At the beach
 Walking home
This pose was way more beautiful in real life....

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